Angis Mustangs

Angi Keitel Murray participated in the original 2007 Extreme Mustang Makeover with Freedom,
2008 Western States Mustang Challenge with Prosperity,
2009 Extreme Mustang Makeover with Azania.
2011 Supreme Extreme Mustang Makeover with Ima LunaMiss,
and the 2012 Supreme Extreme Mustang Makeover with Sonador

Angi trains the many beautiful rescued mustangs at Lifesavers Wild Horse Rescue in Lancaster, CA.
and Mustangs as well as other breeds for private clients in Palmdale, CA

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Alot accomplished

Yesterday went so well, and I have to say that it didn't even feel like work. It was the end of a hot and muggy day. I had worked six horses. I pulled Azania out and remembered what Chris had noticed, that Azania is not even relaxed in his movement yet. I knew what needed to be done. The relaxation circle that Johnathon Fields does. I personally love what this does for the horses but hate the part of standing there for as long as it takes. Believe me, sometimes it takes quite a bit of time. I figured it would with Azania. The point of the exercise is to put the horse in a circle and let them travel until they lower their head and blow air and relax in that movement. You ask for nothing from them other then that they stay going the same direction and respect your bubble and the rope. I asked for Azania to trot and then talked to Lizz, twiddled my hair, thought about dinner and then waited.... and waited...... and waited......... and then he did it! He blew air and relaxed in his movement so I rewarded him by bringing him to me and rubbing him. Oh No! We have another side. So we did the other direction and when he was done he was relaxed and quiet and seemed to feel very confident. I rubbed all over him then picked up his feet and brushed him. I asked him to bow and he went to his knees and said ok, look what I can do. He debated laying down but did not. What an incredible horse this is.

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